Monday, October 27, 2014

Communicating online

A way to communicate these days are by email as in yahoo, g mail, twitter, social sites as facebook, instagram, messenger, google and etc. Today, business of all sizes rely heavily on e-mail for communications among coworkers and to communicate with vendors, customers, investors, and others. People use email for nonbusiness communication reasons with their schools, organizations, family and also friends. The volume of personal and business e-mail is that it is sent daily that its staggering and exceeding the number of pieces of paper mail handled by national postal systems, Some emails are spam and the unsolicited junk email.

There is an email clients, servers, and protocol that's helps emails get to where they need to be going and how its used to get there to the other individual to see and receive them. The steps to that is the transmission of an email message from origin to destination addresses, using servers of post offices, parallel those followed in the delivery addresses, is letter by a traditional post services. An a email message has a unique delivery address, is routed from server to server over the internet until it reaches its destination, and then is delivered to its recipients mailbox.

E-mail clients, such as Microsoft Outlook and windows live mail, use pop or IMAP incoming mail servers. Some free web-based email serves, such as windows live mail, use Http servers, While each type of sever handles incoming messages, each server does so in a different way. When there is an incoming on a POP server, the email clients handles all mail management functions. For example, an email clients send a request to pop server, downloads all new messages, and stores the message on the user's computer.


  1. Nicely done, I see you did your research, however, there are a lot of ways to communicate via internet. I'm not a fan of emails or social networking, meaning I have a few but all is too much. I can barely keep up with the three that I have but, I guess it will continue to grow throughout the years.

  2. A lot of businesses now even give its customers the option of whether or not they would like the receipt mailed to them. I find this very convenient because my receipts end up getting piled together in one of my drawers until I can't stand the mess anymore. I do not use any social networking sites anymore because it became a big distraction with school and getting work done. Maybe after I graduate but I am fine for now.

  3. I agree. Email is a great way to communicate in both professional and personal lives. It may not be as personal as a hand written letter but it is much more efficient and cost effective than US snail mail. Great explanation and detail in your post.

  4. The most efficient way to communicate in today's world is most certainly by email, gmail, twitter, and other social media sites. I agree, businesses of all sizes are all relying heavily on emails for communication as well as non business communication to family and friends. Thanks for posting.

  5. I can tell you researched the subject a great deal, very professional blog posting.

  6. Well done, professional, informative, and it gets the job done. Nice post

  7. Nice, looks like you have some experience doing this. The post is awesome as well. I'm finally able to post. YEA!
